Oracle is among the world's most complex and sophisticated databases, and mastering this complex set of computer programs requires many college-level skills.
Learning Oracle is only appropriate for experienced computer scientists and information systems professionals with appropriate prerequisite training.
Every year, young computer professionals leave the hallowed halls and ivory towers of college and survey the landscape for computer jobs. They look at the salary surveys and drool at the average Oracle DBA salary of $100,000 and the prospect of earning up to $250,000 per year as a production DBA. Many of them don't know what a DBA does, but they sure like the money.
An Oracle DBA is a senior-level manager who often earns as much as a Vice President, and has lots of responsibility, managing the mission-critical data for the whole company.
WARNING! Some fraudsters prey on the uninitiated and say that Oracle is an easy to learn trade. They are trying to sell "DBA Boot camp" training courses to people who do not possess the academic background to perform the job. Remember, a Database Administrator is a profession, just like an architect, business executive or attorney. Oracle DBA boot camp scam.
Like any profession, becoming a DBA requires years of college preparation and many years of careful preparation. Most beginning DBA's start learning Oracle after earning a Bachelors or masters degree in computer science or information systems.
Also see these related articles:
How to become an Oracle Guru
How to become an Oracle Applications DBA.
Becoming an IT consultant
Since I've been a DBA for 25 years I'm often asked "How do I become a DBA?", many from neophytes who are enticed with the glamour and power of the DBA role.
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