
[80]I created a keystore in ASM after modifying the sq...... Daniel
[81]Without knowing what you have actually done, no,...... Michel Cadot
[82]Thnx Michael!! I am trying to implement TDE on a ...... Daniel
[83]This has nothing to do with Container or pluggable...... Daniel

Subject: Why does Oracle12c Wallet fails to open
Os info: AIX
Oracle info: Oracle 12c
Error info: ORA-28417
Message: I created a keystore in ASM after modifying the sqlnet.ora as
in metalink notes
Then that was followed by successfully creating an autologin keystore
from the already created keystore.
But attempts to open keystore says it is open.
When I try to create a backup of the keystore, it fails with message
"ORA-28417 - keystore not open.
I opened a SAR with Oracle but the security guy is not helpful.
Anybody out there with ideas?

Subject: Re: Why does Oracle12c Wallet fails to open
Without knowing what you have actually done, no, no idea.

Subject: Re: Why does Oracle12c Wallet fails to open
Message: Thnx Michael!!
I am trying to implement TDE on a tablespace.
I created a wallet/Keystore directory in ASM
Then queried v$encryption_wallet to locate where I would put sqlnet.ora
as current implementation dis not have it defined. I used
After several failed attempts and each time using note id 1944507.1, I
decided to reach out to you.

Subject: Re: Why does Oracle12c Wallet fails to open
Message: This has nothing to do with Container or pluggable Database.
The database was upgraded from 11gr2 as a RAC environment which runs on

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